- In early July, Telegram Stories, which are now in their final testing phase, will be accessible.
- Users of Telegram Stories will be able to choose the time at which their tale expires.
- Users of Telegram tales will be able to control who has access to each of their tales.
Recently, WhatsApp introduced a number of new features, some of which were previously present on Telegram. A new feature that is already available on most platforms other than Telegram is catching up with Telegram.
According to CEO Pavel Durov, Stories will be added to the chat app in early July. According to Durov, users have long requested Stories, which account for more than half of all feature requests Telegram receives. The firm was first hesitant to include Stories since they "are already everywhere," according to the CEO, but it wanted to honour consumer demand.
Stories have been requested by Telegram users for many years. Stories account for more than half of all feature requests we receive. We initially opposed this because Stories are already prevalent everywhere. In a statement, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov stated, "Telegram wouldn't be Telegram if we didn't listen to our users and innovate on existing formats."
There will be a lot more similarities between Telegram Stories and Instagram Stories, and they will feature a number of Telegram-specific features.
Features of Telegram Stories
- With Telegram Stories, users will be able to select who can view their individual stories.
- Users can set their Accounts to be noticeable to everybody, their contacts, a couple of picked contacts, or a rundown of dear companions.
- Stories will appear at the top of the chat list in a section that can be collapsed.
- By moving Stories posted by any contact to the "Hidden" list in their Contacts section rather than the main screen, users will be able to hide them.
- Numerous photo and video editing tools will be available to users of Telegram Stories. Captions, links, and tags will all be available to users when they add captions to their stories.
- In Telegram Stories, users can simultaneously post photos and videos taken by the front and rear cameras, just like they can with the Be-Real app.
- In addition, users will be able to choose when their stories will disappear. They can set it to vanish in six, twelve, twenty-four, or forty-eight hours. Similar to how Instagram lets you show highlights from a story, users can also permanently display Stories on their profile page.
Additionally, the capability to "repost messages from channels to stories" will be made available on Telegram. Channels will be able to gain more exposure and subscribers with this feature, making it easier for them to become viral on Telegram.
According to Durov, even the skeptics on the Telegram team started to like the feature after internal tests of Stories, and Telegram can no longer imagine the messaging service without it.