
Ultrahuman Ring Detects Afib with the World's First Smart Ring Tech

The wearable technology pioneer Ultrahuman introduces PowerPlugs, a platform for standalone apps and plugins constructed on top of Ultrahuman's data stack for health and wellness. This is the first smart ring form factor in history.

Preeti Anand
New Update
Ultrahuman Ring World's First Afib Detection

The wearable technology pioneer Ultrahuman introduces PowerPlugs, a platform for standalone apps and plugins constructed on top of Ultrahuman's data stack for health and wellness. This is the first smart ring form factor in history. PowerPlugs gives people the freedom to select and concentrate on the most critical elements of their health, understanding that every person's health journey is distinct. Because of its highly personalised health insights design, each person may tailor their health tracking to meet their needs and objectives. AFib Detection, a PowerPlug that quietly tracks your heart rhythm every night to look for indications of atrial fibrillation (AFib), is at the forefront of PowerPlug technology.


The first bright ring to detect AFib in the world is the Ultrahuman Ring AIR.

The most prevalent kind of arrhythmia, or abnormal heartbeat, is called AFib. If undiagnosed, it can result in significant health issues like heart failure and stroke. People who have a history of irregular rhythms or who are at risk of experiencing an arrhythmia episode can now closely monitor their AFib and seek early assistance.



One size does not fit all when it comes to health, according to Ultrahuman Founder and CEO Mohit Kumar, who made this statement during the event. We created PowerPlugs so that individuals could prioritise the most important things to their overall health and well-being. Thousands of applications will likely be developed on top of Ultrahuman's extensive health data platform over the next few years. There will be countless opportunities to create profound experiences in the coming years thanks to our most complete data stack of health markers from Ultrahuman Ring, M1 CGM, Ultrahuman Home, and more. When you buy it, your Ultrahuman Ring will continue to improve.



We're introducing AFib detection, a revolutionary feature that might change the game, in our first batch of PowerPlugs. Doctors approve this life-saving technology in a small number of markets, and every few weeks, we aggressively open up new markets with regulatory permission. The Ultrahuman App provides access to the PowerPlugs ecosystem with free and paid alternatives.

The circadian rhythm


The Ring AIR offers practical advice based on your lifestyle, recognizing the importance of following your body's natural circadian cycles. These recommendations seek to boost your energy levels, improve the quality of your sleep, and support your general health. They include the best times to exercise, spend outdoors, and wind down at night.

Mode of Pregnancy


Pregnancy Mode modifies health monitoring and guidelines to account for pregnancy-specific factors. It offers personalised guidance on health measures, exercise regimens, and nutrition—all critical now. Learn how to prioritise your safety and well-being while maintaining your health and your baby's growth.

Cycle Monitoring


Cycle Tracking provides a thorough picture of the phases of your menstrual cycle and makes highly accurate predictions about future cycles. With the help of this tool, which offers individualised insights into your symptom patterns and fertility windows, you may make proactive lifestyle and health management decisions. Gain the knowledge you need to make wise choices regarding the health of your reproductive system.

Caffeine Window


Monitor and make the most out of the amount of stimulants, like caffeine, you consume during the day. This program suggests the optimal times to take certain stimulants to increase alertness without interfering with your sleep at night by analysing how your body reacts to them. Perfect for sustaining a high level of energy and guaranteeing peaceful sleep.

Vitamin D

Control your vitamin D intake by getting some sun. The app determines the best times to go outside based on your skin type, location, and current UV index to provide you with the most beneficial and secure sun exposure. It concentrates on skin absorption, providing exact outdoor temperature readings and estimating the amount of Vitamin D (in IU) your skin will absorb throughout the session. With its safety alarms to prevent overexposure and real-time tracking, this PowerPlug provides personalised and easy maintenance of optimal vitamin D levels.

Jet Lag

Time Difference With evidence-based strategies like light exposure, melatonin supplements, caffeine, and naps, PowerPlug offers customised jet lag regimens based on users' travel schedules, sleep habits, and chronotypes. It provides thorough plans to adhere to before, during, and following travels, assisting in effectively resetting the circadian rhythm.

Weight Loss

To maximise your fitness journey, combine real-time glucose monitoring with meal planning. The Ultrahuman Ring AIR monitors daily caloric expenditure. Syncing with automated food logging provides a complete perspective of calorie intake versus expenditure. Customers can now maintain a balanced diet and work towards their fitness objectives without having to deal with manually entering their data. This is a game changer for anyone looking to maximise their weight loss journey.

The ovulation process

Understanding ovulation cycles has enabled women better to understand their bodies and the health of their periods. Precise ovulation detection can significantly improve a woman's chances of becoming pregnant by pinpointing the most fertile days. On the other hand, being aware of the ovulation period can aid people in using natural family planning methods to prevent conception. Furthermore, ongoing observation can help in the early detection of possible problems with reproductive health, enabling prompt interventions.

The possibilities for health personalisation offered by Ultrahuman continue.

The Ring AIR's Temperature, Accelerometer, and Raw PPG data streams are now available to developers for the first time. Ultrahuman invites programmers to use UltraSignal, the development platform for Ultrahuman Ring AIR, to create custom algorithms on top of various data streams from the device.


UltraSignal will support increased personalisation and innovation in the medical field. * Developers can create their own Power Plug by developing unique algorithms for movement, fertility, stress, sleep, and other areas. AFib Detection is accessible in some regions.



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