DIGISOL DG-VG4300NU is a VDSL2/ADSL2+ router, comes with 4 ports 10/100Mbps auto MDI/MDIx Ethernet Switch and IEEE 802.11b/g/n wireless connectivity. This is for both the single user with Bridge mode in host-based PPPoE Client or for multi-users utilizing the DG-VG4300NU inbuilt PPPoE, IP routing, NAT functionality. DG-VG4300NU comes with stateful packet inspection firewall and DMZ support for full security options against malicious hackers.
The router comes with various security features including three-level login including local admin, local user, and remote technical support access, service access control based on incoming interface: WAN or LAN, service access control based on source IP addresses, IP filter, parental control and more.
Setting up the device will take only a few minutes. The simple user-interface guide allows you to add and configure it quickly. The 802.11b/g/n wireless router has no visible antennae but offers coverage for longer distance. While testing the router we were able to get the wireless connection for more than 10 meters. However, the signal strength weakens drastically due to obstacles.
The 300 MBPS wireless VDSL2/ADSL2+ broadband router performed well in out testing. We used an isolated ‘N’ network with the router connected to two machines, one wirelessly and the other with cable. Using the ‘Qcheck 3.0′ benchmark, we checked the average throughput with a 1000 KB payload. In this test we clocked an average speed of 94.3 MBPS which is better than previous routers, we tested in PCQuest Lab. We transferred 61 MB of data from one machine to the other and here too, the time of 7 seconds only. Using Wi-Fi Network Analyzer, we tested the wireless speed of the router and it resulted in 62 Mbps of speed and -61 dBm of signal strength.