What makes a meeting room a great place to share ideas? You catch it right! It's technology that eases sharing thoughts. No doubt technology plays an important role here, and Barco trying address pain points for meeting rooms with its ClickShare CS-100.
Setup and features
It looks like a small box and comes with one ClickShare Button and power unit. To setup the device, it has HDMI port at the back along with network (LAN) port and USB port.
Just connect the meeting room display or projector using the HDMI. Connect the ClickShare with your network using the LAN port and if your network provides power then no need to add power cable to it. Power on the device, within a few seconds, LED light with turn into white and stop flashing. Now, you can see ClickShare image on the screen and you are almost ready to share.
If you want to share from your laptop, then connect the ClickShare Button to your laptop and run the ClickShare application to setup. Once it's ready to share, button’s flashing light will turn into static white. Just click the button, it will turn into static red. And your PC’s screen will be on the meeting room screen. To stop sharing press, the button once again. You can also connect your smartphone, both iOS and Android devices using the ClickShare app.
The CS-100 includes the standard ClickShare security features including encryption, login management, https and the possibility to hide the SSID of the Base Unit’s wireless network.
As we have already played with Barco ClickShare CSM, so setting-up the device takes only a few minutes. The both mobile and PC applications are easy to setup and use. Using both laptop and smartphone, we were able to share the screen without any trouble.