
Improving security while reducing IT overheads during economic uncertainties

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During periods of recession and economic uncertainties, business leaders may feel compelled to implement widespread cost reductions across various business functions, including IT. This inadvertently leads to an increase in technical debt down the line as speedy delivery of solutions is prioritized over quality. As the individuals responsible for driving the digital transformation efforts of their organizations, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) often find themselves in the position of strategically streamlining their budgets to balance business needs with ever-changing IT requirements and to review and take steps to balance out the accumulated technical debt during times of recession.


In the past three years, disruptions have underscored the importance of infrastructure security for business continuity and growth. As cybersecurity risks continue to rise, it is crucial for CIOs to prioritize critical systems and identify the assets, applications, and data that require protection, allocating appropriate resources accordingly. While cost-cutting is often a primary objective during such periods, it is essential not to compromise IT security.

To strengthen their organization's IT security while simultaneously reducing IT overheads during times of recession and economic uncertainties, CIOs should consider two approaches:

● Prioritize and protect critical systems: CIOs should prioritize the security of essential systems and infrastructure. This involves identifying the most critical assets, applications, and data that need protection and allocating resources accordingly. By focusing on safeguarding these key elements, organizations can mitigate potential risks and ensure business continuity.


● Optimize IT investments: CIOs should evaluate their IT investments and identify areas where cost savings can be achieved without compromising security. This can involve streamlining processes, consolidating systems, leveraging cloud technologies, or implementing automation solutions. By optimizing IT investments, organizations can reduce overheads while maintaining a strong security posture.

By adopting these approaches, CIOs can effectively balance the need for cost reduction with the imperative of maintaining robust IT security. This enables organizations to navigate economic uncertainties while safeguarding their digital assets and ensuring the continuity and growth of their business.

Adopting a Zero Trust Exchange Platform


A Zero Trust Exchange platform offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to secure their network infrastructure while reducing costs. This platform provides a unified security approach that can effectively protect both cloud and on-premise applications. By utilizing a cloud-delivered security service, it eliminates the need for traditional VPNs, firewalls, and other costly on-premise security appliances that require maintenance and upgrades.

Businesses across industries worldwide are leveraging this platform to inspect and filter all network traffic, benefiting from real-time protection against malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and granular access control policies. This ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data and applications. CIOs who have adopted Zero Trust Exchange Platforms are already experiencing reduced capital and operational expenses while enhancing their overall security posture.

Furthermore, this platform provides a streamlined approach as the cloud-delivered security service eliminates the need for hardware appliances, software installations, and manual updates. This simplifies the management of the security infrastructure and reduces the complexity of handling multiple security solutions. Additionally, it offers a single-pane-of-glass view of all security events, allowing IT teams to quickly identify and respond to security incidents.


In conclusion, CIOs must adopt a proactive approach to IT security during economic uncertainties and recessions. To strengthen IT security while reducing overheads, it is crucial to maintain a balance between cost reduction and security. The adoption of a Zero Trust Exchange platform is a highly effective strategy that enables organizations to achieve both objectives.

Author: Ananth Nag, Area Vice President, India, ASEAN & GCR, Zscaler

PCQ Bureau

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