Solution Requirement
Over the last 10 years, GNFC was using the traditional Linux server as a mail server with simple SMTP/POP3/IMAP and a Vanilla Web Client. Although there were no such problems with the system, it lacked the new features such as intuitive web client, mobilized synchronization, instant messaging, and collaboration within the organization. The records of emails were also not maintained in the absence of the server side (archival of emails). Emails were saved on the ‘Client’ machine which was dangerous. Besides, taking backup of the email from desktop was a tedious job.
Despite having state of the art infrastructure the email structure was needed to be changed with new technologies with rich features incorporated. All in all a new unified communication server with the ability to chat, call & video within the company network with advance features of collaboration. Instant Messaging, VoIP, one to one video and moreover less resource hungry and should take a load of more than 3000 users on a single server.
Solution Deployment
After evaluating most of the leading mail service products, GNFC IT Team chose IceWarp for its
rich features. IceWarp was not only a powerful yet stable and robust mail server, but it is complete with Collaboration, Calendaring and Document Management, Accessible through and intuitive Web Client. Customize with add-ons: Spam and Virus Protection, Instant Messaging with Video Calls, Mobile Sync, Email Archive and more. IceWarp deployed on a VM with 16GB of RAM connected to a SAN box for Archive and local Hard Disk with RAID for mailboxes.
Solution Benefits
IM gave them an edge and users could communicate easily from head office to other branch offices and plants. Thereby saved a lot of time and cost and made communication very easy. Users could use their smartphones to communicate with their colleagues at the workplace from anywhere. Users can also do one to one video chat while chatting on Instant Messaging. Email archives were enabled for all the users on a different volume and backup of emails became an easy task without admins interventions. Even If any desktop machine crashes, the emails are intact in an archive and can be retrieved anytime. Admin can send group messages at one go or create a mailing list for sending personalized emails to users or vendors.