
Finalmouse Centerpiece: A mechanical keyboard with a display-like body

Kapish Khajuria
New Update
Finalmouse Centerpiece

Finalmouse announced Centerpiece, a mechanical keyboard that has its own way of showing animated visuals through the keyboard. The keyboard's transparent keycaps are like the keyboard, which has a display rather than physical buttons. People who are expecting more than RGB lights for the keyboard can think of this in the near future.


PC mice from Finalmouse are renowned for their intricate designs and limited availability. It usually targets PC gamers who want something different and exclusive for their setup. The first keyboard from Finalmouse, which takes intricate design to new heights, is now available for purchase.

There aren't many details about the Centerpiece's display that have been made public by Finalmouse. For instance, its precise dimensions, brightness, resolution, and refresh rate are unknown to us. However, Unreal Engine 5 "interactive skins" are said to power the screen.

Besides, it's unclear the number of skins the Focal point will send off with, however in its video, Finalmouse showed various potential outcomes, from swimming koi fish that rush away when you press a key, to an undulating water impact, a lion brushing, and 3D movements.


Mechanical keyboards are among the most customizable peripherals available; however, Finalmouse's Centerpiece is significantly flashier than the majority of them, and even more flashy than Asus' ROG Strix Flare II Animate, which comes equipped with 312 mini LEDs that can be customized.

The Centerpiece's display stands out from the rest of the mechanical keyboards we've seen so far. In that capacity, we can see the activity being extremely diverting, particularly for non-contact typists and individuals playing serious games. The keyboard's brightness knob lets you turn off the display, which is smart.

Finalmouse claims that because the Centerpiece has its own CPU and GPU, powering the display does not drain the resources of the connected system.


The laminated display circuit Glass Stack, as described by Finalmouse, is said to be the foundation of the Centerpiece. Glass isn't often used in mechanical keyboards, as you might expect. It ought to be adequately protected within an aluminium chassis; even though there are still a lot of questions regarding the system's operation and durability. Naturally, Finalmouse asserts that the keyboard can withstand heavy use.

The Centerpiece, with its truncated layout, bizarre design (including keycaps with only side-printed legends), and high price, will only be available to bold PC accessory seekers early next year. The keyboard will cost around $349.


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