
Do you miss writing with a freshly sharpened pencil?

Moleskine notebooks are competing with tablets and smartphones!

PCQ Bureau
New Update

Now you can pen down your ideas and sync them on digital platforms with digitally integrated Moleskine notebooks.


Moleskine has designed a new notebook for Livescribe smartpens and the Livescribe+ app. Each page of the notebook contains a dot pattern that makes handwritten notes appear in digital form with surprising speed and accuracy.

Collaborative working, sharing and cloud storage comes to the Moleskine notebook with a series of smart paper notebooks optimized for digital integration. There's a Moleskine notebook for people who use Evernote, Adobe Creative Cloud or Livescribe. Users can download the companion app and start syncing their handwritten notes to your files, emails, calendar, software or storage system of choice.

The company had started exploring digital partnerships in the year 2010 and has signed partnership deals with digital companies like Adobe, FiftyThree, Evernote and Livescribe. So, customers can upload their writing and artwork from Moleskine notebooks to their smartphones and tablets in order to digitally alter them, share them online and search them. They can also print digital artwork into notebooks.


The traditional Moleskine notebook had rounded corners with an elastic closure, and an expandable inner pocket. It was mostly used by people as their travel companion to hold their sketches, notes, stories, and ideas.

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